Queer Museum, where art thou? Filing Cabinet Street Intervention – Get Involved!

Queer Museum, where art thou? Filing Cabinet Street Intervention – Get Involved – @ queertoursoflondon@gmail.com

London has no Queer Museum. As a call for such a museum and to see if a campaign can be seeded – a block of pink filing cabinets will be created, displayed and paraded from Soho Square to City Hall.

Why is our history in filing cabinets gathering dust? We’ve never been allowed to exist as equals because there hasn’t been a place allowed to share our history. Section 28 of the Local Government Act made exhibitions about gay and lesbian life risky grounds for museums, as it banned anything that might promote homosexuality to schoolchildren. Since then courageous people, programmes and institutions across London have exhibited Bloolips posters, stories of gay women in the Suffragettes, Greenham Common Women’s Peace Camp, responses to AIDS and the Black queer experience – but they are all temporary.

On the 50th anniversary of the ‘decriminalisation’ of homosexuality’ (2017) we are all uniting and saying loud and queer that it’s time for a permanent home. Come and join us at sites across London to demand that we get a home, a queer community centre and LGBTQI+ social housing. The Establishment can’t take credit for ‘decriminalisation’ – it was the activists on the ground. The Queer revolution for genuine liberation continues!

Let’s intervene and shatter the hetero-normative status quo by filling the streets of London with pink filing cabinets and distribute our history until our demands are met!

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